The One Minute Geographer: The Great Plains — Trump Country

Jim Fonseca
2 min readOct 30, 2021
Map showing percentage of vote for Biden and Trump by county from Wikipedia. For each candidate, shading is in 10% intervals with the darkest shades more than 90%; the lightest, less than 50%. 100-degree meridian and yellow dots showing counties with the highest percentage of votes for Trump in that state added by the author.

It’s time to look at the people of the 100-degree meridian and the Great Plains. We’ll be looking at demography in more detail, but I can tell you in advance, this is Red Country — Trump Country as you can see on the map of the 2020 election above. Pretty much all of the Great Plains voted heavily for Trump with the exception of areas in blue that are in metropolitan areas or within American Indian Reservations. The yellow dots show the county in each state that gave Trump his highest percentage of the vote in that state in the 2020 election. These counties are as follows:

North Dakota — Mercer County, 81%; South Dakota — Tripp, 79%; Nebraska — Holt, 86%; Kansas — Scott, 85%; Oklahoma — Beaver, 89%; Texas — Wheeler, 91% (although audits still being conducted).

Here’s the next post for both the Great Plains/Magical Meridian series and the Texas Politics series:

And you can check out my post about the Great Plains of Texas as the Heart of Trumpland

I’m a retired geography professor. Follow me on for more posts on The One Minute Geographer. You can get an email when I publish by clicking this link (6 or so posts each month):



Jim Fonseca

Geography professor (retired) writes The One Minute Geographer featuring This Fragile Earth. Top writer in Transportation and, in past months, Travel.